'Sugar Army' From The MessageBoard Sets The Record Straight Regarding 'Expectations'

Last updated : 11 January 2006 By Sugar Army
1. Being accused of wanting instant success!

We have won 4 trophies in 90-odd years and the last was almost 12 years ago!

Being accused or wanting instant success (part 2).

This season we only asked for a top 6 finish, to beat a team of part-timers in Europe and maybe get another wee cup run. Surely not too much to ask for considering the money that has shelled out and constantly being told how good a squad we have on paper.

Being accused or wanting instant success (part 3).

(And I suppose the media had nothing to do with all this? Constantly telling us how we were underachieving as a club and running stories about who United's next manager was gonna be after every bad result. As well as ex-employees constantly having a wee dig at the club in the papers in an attempt to undermine the club by sour grapes stories. These parasites remind ya of the type of gobsh!te who stirs trouble in a boozer then stands back watching when it all kicks off throwing his hands up in the air and looking all innoccent saying "nothing to do wi' me mate")

4.Hearing our chairman being described as something akin to Fast Eddie wi' the trigger finger.

Ok maybe he has not exactly treated his managers with kids gloves (they were grown men who knew they would be judged on results and were well paid for their troubles remember) and the Heggy and Malpas (Legends) scenarios do leave a bad taste in the mouth but what about the others? Do we want to bring back Alex Smith? Should McCall be seen as a lost saviour? Have League, Cup and European performances and results under Chiz this season been acceptable? Maybe Chiz could have been given more time but the signs were not looking good and the feeding frenzy created by those mentioned above did not exactly help his/the situation. I kinda feel Eddie had little option in appointing Chiz after he led us to safety last season. Could you imagine the headlines if Chiz had kept us up then got the bullet before he was given a chance to take us into the new season?.

5. Being accused of not being realistic in our aspirations by harking back to the 80s.

(An absolute belter this is.) Name any fan who does not look back to their team's glory years. Celtic-1967 Jock Stein era, Rangers-1972 or 9 in a Row with Gascoigne and Laudrup, Aberdeen-the Fergie Years, Hibs-the famous 5, even the wee team still hark on aboot Gilzean, Cox and being cheated by Milan as well as goin' on aboot "living the dream" under Bonetti!! But after watching the decline of United and indeed Scottish football in general since the 80s I do not know of one Arab who expects to see the likes of our "80s golden" era ever happening again no matter how much we like to dream.

Actually, now that I think more about it, maybe I am wrong on this last point. Maybe things have not changed since the 80s. Back then we still had a corner shop mentality, the Old Firm were still more powerful than everybody else, two teams from the east coast were their main challengers and at the start of the season most Arabs would have been hoping for a respectable league position, occasionally giving the old firm a doing, a cup run and a wee run in Europe and laughing at the antics of the wee team and Pete Burns fae Dead or Alive wiz never aff the telly.

OK, breathe deeply...now exhale... now I am aff tae hae a lie doon